Welcome to July! As always, thank you for being a valuable part of AVX and wish you a wonderful Independence Day this week. In the spirit of independence, we will keep this newsletter brief. As a reminder, you can see all current AVX opportunities at The AVX Feed
Conversation Statistics : We are up to 3211 total connections and conversations on the AVX network - 324 more over the last month (11% month-over-month growth). We are currently tracking 11 potential match negotiations and another 44 with multi-month long discussions heading toward possible matches. Please see the attached AVX Data and AVX Matches for more information.
New Institutions: AVX is now up to 32 partner institutions! Our latest additions include: 1) the University of Michigan, 2) the University of Minnesota, 3) the University of Wisconsin, and 4) the University of California, Irvine. You can see the up-to-date list of AVX partners here: https://avx.io/about
OUP Webinar on Talent Matching: Back in June, Osage University Partners hosted a webinar on recruiting talent for university startups. The panel was wonderfully moderated by Marc Singer (Managing Partner at OUP) and consisted of Hazel Mulhare (Head of Talent for Oxford Sciences Innovation), Mike Psarouthakis (Director of the University of Michigan Venture Center), and myself. If you are curious to learn more, head over to the webinar recording on YouTube. Thank you to Marc and Osage University Partners for organizing the panel!
SOSV/HAX Panel on Deep Tech Investing: We also want to thank Benjamin Joffe at SOSV/Hax for organizing a series of panels on investing in deep tech. If you are interested to see a peek behind the scenes, you can tune into this home-brewed playlist on YouTube.
Cheers! – Hamdi